Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club of Alpha Gamma Delta
101 E. Michigan
Palatine, IL 60067-7136
Phone: 847-358-8450
Contact: Reta Holmgren
Meetings: 1st Tuesday from Sept.-May plus special events.
Meeting Address: Various members' homes
Cost: $25 regular member, $15 associate
Publications: Northwest News Scope - 4 times a year.

Updated: 12/1/2011

Description: Our group provide friendship opportunities for AGD alumnae in the northwest suburban area. We also participate in philanthropic activities. Philanthropic work includes registering walkers for the annual Ron Santo JDRF Walk-A-Thon. For 40 years we have sponsored the annual Kirk Art & Craft Show at Samuel A. Kirk School for the Handicapped in Palatine, IL. This show takes place the 1st weekend in March. We also adotpt a family at Christmas and participate in other charitable activites.