Northwest Suburban Shrine Club
Peter Wendt, Recording Secretary , NWSSC
1098 Horizon Dr.
Bartlett, IL 60103
Phone: office: 630-372-6445
Contact: Samuel Spector, President, NWSSC 847-824-0490
Meetings: Board of Directors Meetings- 1st Thurs. of the month; General Membership Meetings- 3rd Thurs. of the month
Meeting Address: Varies
Cost: $10 initiation fee, $17.50 annual dues
Publications: Whispering Sands (every-other month)

Updated: 10/12/2011

Description: The Northwest Suburban Shrine club was chartered May 12, 1969. The NWSSC is organized with the official sanction of Chicago's Medinah Temple and is under its jurisdiction. The Arlington Heights Lodge, in conjunction with the Palatine Lodge, was instrumental in organizing the NWSSC. The 1st President of the Club was Dr. Henry Neumann. Currently the Club has 150 members from throughout the Northwest suburbs. The purpose of the Club is to foster and promote sociability, good fellowship, and friendship among its members, and to assist and participate in the activities of the Medinah Shrine Center. A major reason for the existence of the NWSSC is to support the Chicago Shriners Hospital for Children financially and by referring children who are in need of its medical services. Children who are accepted are treated without charge. In past years, beginning in 1998, approximately 75 children were referred to the Chicago Shriners Hospital for evaluation and treatment. These children were referred as a result of screening clinics sponsored by NWSSC. The Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago is one of 22 Shriners Hospitals in North America providing free medical care to children under the age of 18 with orthopedic problems or burn-related conditions.