Prairie Woods Audubon Society
Phone: 847-485-9695
Contact: Louis Vassmer
Meetings: 3rd Thursday Monthly, 7 PM. No meetings in, July, Aug, and Dec. June picnic
Meeting Address: Spring Vallely Nature Center, Schaumburg, IL
Cost: $25 membership fee; monthly meetings are open to the public, and free.
Wheelchair Access: yes
Publications: Newsletter--Flyer (On Web Site) No Newsletters Dec. June-Aug

Updated: 12/6/2012

Description: The mission of the Prairie Woods Audubon Society, as a chapter of the National Audubon Society, is to conserve the environment, preserve wildlife and natural habitats, and provide opportunities for education, nature appreciation, and fellowship. In addition to field trips which include birding and nature study activities, eight monthly meetings a year feature presentations covering a wide range of environmental and conservation topics. Visit our website for more details.