William Rainey Harper College - Access and Disability Services
1200 W. Algonquin Rd.
Palatine, IL 60067-7398
Phone: 847-925-6266
Fax: 847-925-6267
Hours: M-TH 8am - 7pm; Fri. 8am-4:30pm. Hours vary during break periods
Contact: Scott Friedman, Director
Meetings: Call for appointments.
Meeting Address: Building D, Rm 119
Cost: $106.50 per credit hour plus fees (in-district rate
Wheelchair Access: Yes
Publications: Course schedules and other publications available at www.harpercollege.edu
E-mail: sfriedma@harpercollege.edu
URL: http://goforward.harpercollege.edu/services/special/ads
Updated: 3/20/2012
Description: Provide reasonable accomodations and access to all college programs and services for students and visitors to campus. Offer specialized instructional programs to students with disabilities. All students go through an intake interview and must provide disability related documentation to be approved for accomodations, access or technological support.