Your connection to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) resources in the community.

Observe, Wonder and Share is at the heart of STEAM learning providing engagement not as an isolated subject, but as an interesting component that permeates our daily life. There is growing need for children to develop 21st century skills such as problem solving, collaboration, and self-efficiency in preparation for their future. This resource serves a pathway for activities to empower children to develop a mindset of being resourceful and creative explorers of their world.  Please add learning environments that capture opportunities for engage students in being resourceful and creating.


Upcoming Events



Individual schools offer a variety of clubs for students that provide learning opportunities in S.T.E.A.M. subjects. Many local schools have Chess Clubs that help develop logical thinking skills need in S.T.E.A.M. fields. Highlighted below are some of the resources available to students through their school. For possible further opportunities, check your specific school for a detailed list of activities. 


Benjamin Elementary Science Fair - (4th-5th students).  On April 18th—6:00-7:30 pm, an evening of exploration and hands-on activities to provide 

Colene Hoose Art Club - (Kindergarten through 5th grade). Providing learning opportunities with different art media culminating in an art show.

Glenn STEAM club - (3rd-5th grade). An afterschool club for open-ended exploration of S.T.E.A.M. subjects in a learning environment that fosters curiosity, collaboration and creativity.  

Prairieland Elementary Sciencepalooza - (4th-5th students). Presentation of individual or group science projects along with investigations and demonstrations of STEM concepts and activities.

Middle School

Art Club - (Chiddux). Providing an opportunity to explore a variety of processes and techniques with different art media.

Team Quest - (Chiddux). Solving unusual problems through various academic strategies and problem solving skills is at the core of this club. 

Art Club - (Evans).  An exploration into the visual arts through experimentation of various media in the creation of personal and community art projects.

Art Club - (Kingsley). Experimentation with different materials and their capacities to explore and create art.  

Art Club - (Parkside). Learning and developing an understanding of art concept through the creation of artworks. 

Game Club - (Parkside). An exploration of games as learning techniques while having fun and socializing.

Science Fair - (Parkside). The Sciencepalooza is an evening that features students scientific inquiries and discoveries.  

High School

Normal Community - Art Club, Environment Club, Film Club, Music Composition Club, Photography Club, Rubik's Cube Club andTechnology/Computer Club

Normal WestOutdoor Adventure Club and Girls Who Code


Community Programs

Betabrain  -  Immersion into a critical thinking challenges that requires creativity problem solving and collaboration to succeed. The program was developed for 6th-12th graders in effort to promote life applications of science and engineering skills.

Challenger Learning Center - Providing engaging educational programs with emphasis on K-8th graders  to foster learning on space exploration. Participation in workshops and camps has an associated cost.  

Children’s Discovery Museum - The Innovation Station allows children to immerse in hands-on learning experiences that naturally provide opportunities to encounter obstacles and develop strategies for solutions. Cost of museum entrance and additional fees may apply depending on programing.

Engineering Open House  - An annual University of Illinois student-led showcase that provides exhibits, competitions and exploration of skills and practices. The event is free.

First  - Hands-on robotic programs for Kindergarten-12th graders that build 21st century skills through real life engineering challenges. Students compete with other developers to understand and develop techniques and skills. 

Heartland Community College: Educational programming to experience and learning in different areas of S.T.E.A.M. A diverse offering of classes and camp are available at a cost. 

Home Depot - Development of basic working skills and use of various tools by building straightforward DIY projects. Monthly workshops are free for children. Registration is suggested. 

IWU Young Scholars- Science Day Camps

     Inventions/Innovations Camp - A day camp designed to utilize the university learning resources to provide learning opportunities in technology and                       related disciplines. Open to students entering 4th or 5th grade with an associated cost.

     Young Scientist Camp - A day camp promoting hand-on on experience in areas of physics, chemistry, biology and environmental studies in the university            setting. The camp is open to students entering 6th-8th grade with an associated cost.

Lowe's Build and Grow - Learn to use entry level tools and gain experience constructing projects. Clinic are free with registration.

MetalCow Robotics - A 4-H SPIN Club that participates in FIRST Robotics competitions. Participants work on real world challenges while gaining experience in collaboration, presentation, and knowing how to break a task down into its essential steps which is a vital life skill. Available to students 13-18 from McLean county area.

Millennium Girls - An annual conference for girls in 5th-8th grade with an emphasis in math, science and technology fields. Providing early exposure to possible career pathways through lab experiences.

Open Source Classroom - Developing digital literacy through instruction and learning experiences with 3D printers, CAD modeling and circuits. Membership and courses are available at a cost.

Students Involved in Technology Conference - An annual conference for 3rd-12th grade students to promote an exposure to a variety of technology techniques and knowledge. Presentations are made by attendees. A cost of $25.00 is required for registration.

Sugar Grove Nature Center - Exploration of the native flora and fauna of central Illinois to gain an understanding of its role in the local environment and animal habitats. The grounds are free for hiking and adventuring. Programs are available for a cost and focus on 3-15 year olds. 

Twin City Amateur Astronomers - Providing opportunities to survey the night sky and learn amateur astronomy and observational techniques. Free Public observing sessions at Sugar Grove Nature Center and presentations at various venues in the Bloomington-Normal area.

World Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) - Promoting learning opportunities in science and engineering through annual academic challenges, summer camps and programs at the University of Illinois. Cost are applicable to the different options.


Community Resources

Bloomington Public Library - Assist in distributing a diverse variety of print and digital holdings to expand knowledge. The library offers varied opportunities for gaining new learning experiences such as Teen DIY and DIY  for Adults.

Free Wifi Map - A local map of WiFi access points around the Bloomington and Normal community. 

Gingerbread House - A local toy store focused on nurturing children’s motor skills, spatial reasoning, creartive abilities and cognitive abilities through games and toys.

Normal Public Library - Providing the community with print and digital learning resources. Various programming such as Tech-It-Out and Design and 3D print your own cookie cutter are offered to experiment with technology devices and applications.

Radio Shack - An electronic store with supplies for do-it-yourself and maker projects.

The School Shop - An educational store that promotes games and toys that foster learning and critical thinking skills and hands-on projects.

Tool Library - A free tool lending library that provides necessary resources needed for constructing projects.