- Edible Schoolyard: The Edible Schoolyard is an excellent way to get involved in projects (both group and individual) out in the garden that will help students experience the beautiful results of proper gardening practices. This reflects a longing to fully understand the need for productive maintenance of agricultural ecosystems in a long-term pursuit of self- sufficiency and permaculture.
- Hospitality House Garden: Hospitality House, a non-profit crisis agency in Boone, NC, serves seven counties helping those in crisis, poverty and homelessness rebuild their lives using housing, prevention, nutrition and myriad supportive programs and services. Residents receive supportive services to address employment, education, housing and medical needs. Other services are coordinated with area agencies to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of the clients. Each resident is required to be substance-free and to take an active role in the house, help with chores and participate in daily meetings. Through the provisions of food, shelter and supportive services the goal is for every adult and child to leave empowered and equipped with the skills that will allow them to transition from crisis to stability, poverty to sustainability and homelessness to self-sufficiency. The garden is a way to help provide food for those who come in the door. Here's one link to the garden from 2015: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.929604007096426.1073741849.597139067009590&type=3
- Lettuce Learn Gardens: Providing garden coordinators and indirect support for learning gardens that serves as an outdoor classroom for kids to learn about the interconnected world around them in a hands-on, experiential way. Farms and gardens offer children (and adults too!) valuable lessons about nature, nutrition, ecology, responsibility, teamwork, delayed-gratification, stewardship, friendship, sharing, and much more.
Lettuce Learn provides Garden Coordinators to the following schools:
- ASU Child Development Center
- Bethel School Garden
- Hardin Park 6th Grade Science Garden
- Mountain Pathways
- Parkway School Garden
- Valle Crucis School Gardens
We also provide indirect support to the following learning gardens:
- Green Valley Garden
- Hospitality House Gardens
- Mabel School Gardens
- Two Rivers Community School Garden
- Mary Boyer Community Garden: This is the garden of St. Luke's Episcopal Church which is located at 170 Council Street, Boone, NC 28607. St. Luke’s folks and other volunteers from the community work to plant, till and harvest fresh produce to be distributed to any who need it. This year we will provide produce to the FARM Cafe, Bread of Life Ministry, Hospitality House and anyone else in need of fresh produce.
- Leola St. Community Garden: Leola St. Community Garden started Sept. 2005 when the town of Boone granted the community garden 1.26 acres of land in between a Wal-Mart and K-Mart-- 207 Leola Street, Boone, NC 28607 , for $1 a year. We have over 45 garden beds active. There are constructed handicapped raised beds, a split rail fence to espaliered fruit trees along the rails, and building soil. This acre once was a gravel parking lot and now has been transformed into a productive garden. Our garden spaces are 10ft X 15ft, 14ft X 20ft, and 20ft X 30ft and growing larger. The fees are $20, $30, and $40 annually which includes, seeds, community tools, compost, manure, and monthly workshops.
Watauga County Project on Aging Garden: This is a Senior-friendly gardens with raised beds that can be used without bending over, located at 132 Poplar Grove Connector, Suite A, Boone, NC 28607.