Rochester is Buffalo's nearest city neighbor in the United States, a source of friendly rivalry, and great place to visit.
Rochester, which sits on the Genesee River as it flows south from Lake Ontario, is less than an hour and twenty minutes via the Thruway and I-490.1
RocWiki, the Rochester Wiki
BufWiki got its inspiration from RocWiki, the Rochester Peoples Guide, where you can find everything about Rochester.
Lots of site infrastructure and many of our articles began from RocWiki information pages edited for Buffalo usage by founder, DavidMonroe and early helper, BradMandell.
You can refer to Rochester Wiki pages using the syntax: [wiki:RocWiki:<pagename> <linktext>] , where page name has the browser underscores, etc from the URL. For example:
- Buffalo Page - comes from [wiki:RocWiki:Buffalo Buffalo Page]
Rochester from a Buffalo Perspective
Rivalry Items
- Job Market Ratings - Sep 2008 - Buffalo wins at Nr 77 vs Rochester 86