Whether you are a local looking for a quick romantic getaway or you are visiting Chico from out of town, there are several Bed and Breakfast establishments in the Chico area where you can stay.
- Camelot - 2785 Eskin Maidu Trail. 343-8413
- Cory's Country Inn - 4673 Nord Highway. 345-2955 - http://www.coryscountryinn.com
- Johnson’s Country Inn - 3935 Morehead Ave. 345-7829 - http://www.northvalley.net/johnsonsinn
- L’Abri Bed and Breakfast - 14350 Hwy 99E. 893-0824 - http://www.northvalley.net/labri
- Music Express Inn - 1091 El Monte. 891-9833 - http://www.now2000.com/musicexpress
- Rain Tree Cottage - 22 Rain Tree Lane - http://www.raintreecottage.net
- The Grateful Bed - 1462 Arcadian Ave. 342-2464 - http://www.gratefulbed.net
- Goodman House Bed and Breakfast - 1362 Esplanade 566-0256 - http://goodmanhouse.net
There are also former Bed and Breakfasts that once existed in town:
- Esplanade Bed and Breakfast - 620 The Esplanade.
- Bullard House Bed and Breakfast Inn - 256 East First Avenue.
See also Hotels & Motels for other places to stay in Chico