Facebook Live Chico is a group on the popular social networking website Facebook. Facebook Live - Chico leverages the power of social media to enroll our neighbors in an inclusive series of open forums to define a shared vision and creative process for celebrating diversity, promoting prosperity, and cultivating leadership to evolve Chico as a sustainable community in which to live, learn, work, and play.

An open source document is being authored by the community, to express an aspirational set of values that we can share in pursuit of the purpose expressed in the opening paragraph above. Please feel free to add, change, or comment on this manifesto in the making. Join us! — axon

This entry is a seed, a starting point for writing a full entry. You can help LocalWiki Chico by expanding it! Just click the "Edit" button.



2009-02-07 10:05:42   we have an opportunity to leverage the power of 300+ members to make fundamental change in our community. Not change just for change sake. We have help the Jesus Center help the needy, we can help the Artist and the Creative Class find opportunities to display their creations; we can help kids find work and assist those that need our help.

Any thoughts are welcome..... —blinscheid

2009-02-07 13:22:41   Sounds like an excellent endeavor. Feel free to use this community wiki for whatever is needed. —RyanMikulovsky