2014 mini maker faire exhibitors
Community wealth building groups and taxonomic categories
3DLT | 3DLT is a platform for 3D Printing As-a-Service. They help retailers offer 3D printable products online and in-store. |
andaruGO | This local chip-tune musician uses a single gameboy and software to perform concerts. |
Ascent | Ascent repurposes DJ software in order to live trigger animations that are projected onto a set. An interactive experience lets the user control live motion graphics that are projected. |
Automated Barbie Apartment | A futuristic Barbie flat that has a working (powered) elevator, motion detection doors and lights, remote bed, and radio. |
Bearcat Motorsports | Bearcat Motorsports is the University of Cincinnati’s Formula SAE team. They will showcase their 2013 race car and team members will explain the car, its specifications, composite material engineering, racing dynamics, and other applicable topics. |
BrickPi Robot | A robot made out of a Raspberry Pi + a BrickPi + Lego Mindstorm + 6 AA batteries. It is controlled wirelessly through the Internet. |
Christmas Lights | Raspberry Pi, six of an eight-channel relay, synced to music. |
Cincinnati Computer Cooperative | A local nonprofit referbisher and recycler that provides affordable computers and computer support to local families, schools, and nonprofits that otherwise could not afford to have the technology. |
Cincinnati Made | Cincinnati Made is a non-profit effort to promote, connect, and scale the small batch manufacturing community in Cincinnati. They will present locally manufactured products and describe how they came to be. |
Currency | Currency is an electronic game and custom game console constructed from an obsolete Burroughs adding machine and a micro-controller. |
DERPA | An experimental surround sound geodesic dome. |
DIY Printing | Live silk screening of the official Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire t-shirts! |
Do Science 24/7 | Kitchen-counter variety science experiments. |
Fantastic Four- FIRST Lego League | A FIRST Lego League (FLL) Lego Robotics Team will exhibit lego structures, robot and research results, in addition they will have a lego-related activity for people to enjoy. |
Flying with VR | Strap on the Oculus Rift headset and experience flying through a virtual world! |
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio | Girl Scouts can earn a badge by completing the Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire scavenger hunt! Others can learn about the the benefits of joining the Girl Scouts and participate in other STEM learning activities. |
Gorilla Glue | The Gorilla Glue Company is the proud manufacturer of adhesive products FOR THE TOUGHEST JOBS ON PLANET EARTH. Our returning sponsor will have more giveaways and live demonstrations. |
GoSun Stove | This portable, high efficiency solar cooker has the ability to prepare meals in less than 30 minutes, all with the use of sun light. |
Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative (GCSC) | Featuring “hands on, heads on” projects with local middle school students that are designed to increase students: 1) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills and knowledge and 2) awareness of, and interest to pursue, STEM careers. |
Happen, Inc. | Happen, Inc. serves the kid in all of us, bringing kids and adults together to share creative art experiences. |
Learn to Solder with Hive 13 | Learn how to solder a simple joint and walk away with a blinking LED on a badge that says “I learned to solder at Hive13.” |
Hive13 Information Booth | Learn about Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire partner Hive13 Hackerspace, and experience featured member projects. |
Power Tool Drag Races with Hive13 | Watch modified power tools race down a track and try your hand at getting behind the controls. |
Kenton County Public Library | Get information on Maker-related subjects and create a simple eight-page notebook from a single piece of paper. |
Lakota Robotics | Lakota Robotics will be displaying their Competition Robots from the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), a high school robotics program of FIRST. |
Make It Happen Music – Treble Makers | Learn how Make It Happen Music makes an impact on communities. |
MAKETANK Inc. / Oxford Kinetics Festival | Explore kinetics by making small flying machines. |
The Manufactory | The Manufactory will bring tools and activities from their 17,000 sq. ft. membership workshop in northern Cincinnati. |
Modularem | Art and home furnishings inspired by the complex geometry of nature and produced using various laser and CNC machining technologies. |
Oddities in Technicolor – Art and Beyond Version 2.0 | This father-daughter team will showcase their strange world: odd old time tech devices, acoustic radio horns, The Electro-Tron, theremin, looping delay machine, circuit bending music machines, digital typewriters, robotic heads, cyclops dinosaur skull, and the hit of last year’s maker faire, the Old Time Drawing Machine. |
P&G | Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire sponsor P&G R&D and Design will showcase hands-on science experiments and technological breakthroughs. |
PAR-Projects Presents Radiate via #MakersMobile | Two shipping containers are used to present an interactive electronic art experience like no other. |
Polar 3D LLC | Learn about this unique 3d printer. |
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Maker Space | The library will showcase an open-source robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects, and also provide fun hands-on activities. |
R2-D2 Builders Club | Meet multiple full-size remote control R2-D2 replicas roaming our venue, and stop by the booth to see examples of parts for building R2s. |
RITES | Enjoy the ambient and atmospheric sounds of this electronic musician. |
Smallhouse Models | See a CNC router in action and take home a personalized keepsake. |
sp00ked | Check out a performance by this chip-tune musician and learn about the hacked technology involved. |
Stuarts | In this interactive exhibit, kids will educate other kids on how to use a 3D printer and desktop CNC machine. |
Walking on Water | Walk across this “water” and you won’t sink, as long as you keep moving! |
World Dance and Drumming | Talulah and friends return to bring tribal rhythms and exotic dance to Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire! |
Wump Mucket Puppets | See a puppet show from this local troupe then see how it’s done in the meet-and-greet. |
Zion3d Printers | Learn about these 3D printers both large and small. |