The Community Wealth is staff based in Cleveland, Oh, but with operations in Cincinnati, bringing together for the first time information about the broad range of community wealth strategies, policies, models, and innovations. The site is built upon the proposition that above all, practitioners, policy makers, academics and the media need solid, cross-cutting information and tools that can help them to understand and support the expansion of these institutions. Across-the-board information, experience, and expertise can also contribute to creating a favorable policy environment in which community wealth approaches are more fully legitimized, recognized, and appreciated as meaningful to the revitalization of our communities.
The primary goals of are to:
- Facilitate conversation, connection, and collaboration among those now working in “silos” within this field, and to encourage the support and participation of new constituencies who have not been formally involved in democratic, common asset, wealth-building programs.
- Broaden and deepen information available about the field (including the numbers of institutions, their economic value, actual and projected growth, their contributions to democratic practice, innovative cross-sectoral partnerships, and best practices and policies) which can further contribute to comparative analysis and actions that can support greater expansion and effectiveness across sectors.
- Illuminate and bring attention to the vast range of experiments and help paint a compelling picture of how neighborhoods and communities—particularly low-income communities and groups—can address the economic challenges they are facing using an asset-based, community wealth approach; and
- Help lay the groundwork for changes in policies more supportive of community wealth-building programs.
- Community Wealth staff