Economics of Compassion is a strong grassroots interest in an alternative economics has led to the formation of a new group in the Cincinnati region.  The Economics of Compassion Initiative of Greater Cincinnati (ECI) grew from the ground up, as more and more groups and individuals indicated strong interest in supporting alternative economic systems, ones in which workers and owners share benefit, in which the community is enhanced and not harmed—ones marked by justice, community and relationship.

Inspired by the teachings of well-known theologian Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann, as well as the insights on community offered by consultant and author Peter Block, hundreds of people have gathered at various venues throughout the city to explore what it would mean to have a more ethical economic system, an economics of compassion, in our area.

The genesis of the interest was a Trinity Institute Series on building an ethical economy, offered at Christ Church Cathedral in 2010. The cathedral is now led by the Very Rev. Dean Gail Greenwell The message from this series was shared with the Cincinnati Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, a United Church of Christ clergy group and others.  The considerable interest generated led to a 2011 event at St. John’s UCC in Newport, KY.  That meeting, drawing people from a wide range of congregations and social service groups, was followed in 2013 by three economics of compassion events at Christ Church Cathedral and Xavier University, attended by 240-250 persons each.

Responding to this community consensus, the ECI is lifting up examples of an economics of compassion in our region, engage Cincinnatians in conversations about these alternatives and continue to teach about the principles behind them.

Among key partners of ECI is CiNBA , which grew out of Xavier and Neighborhood Economics is another partner of ECI.

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Here are some social enterprises highlighted by ECI

Intentional communities and cohousing highlighted by ECI

Renter equity highlighted by ECI