What? All-you-can-eat wing buffet

Where? APSU Campus

Why? To raise money for Middle Tennessee's Make-A-Wish foundation

How? Purchase a wristband for $10 


Contact Info: Nicole McGill, Wings for Wishes chair, Chi Omega cell: 865-805-2699

Wings for Wishes

Wings for Wishes has been Austin Peay sorority, Chi Omega's, main philanthropy for the last seven years. Wristbands for the event are $10 a piece and can be purchased at the door of Memorial Health building, contacting Nicole McGill (865) 805-2699, or any other Chi Omega member. The wristband includes access to the all-you-can-eat wing buffet provided by local vendors and student organizations, a wing-eating contest, cornhole, and a contest for who can make the tastiest wings. There will be silent auctions as well. All proceeds go towards Middle Tennessee's Make-A-Wish foundation. Last year, they raised $22,000! You can't beat $10 for all-you-can-eat wings and it all goes to a great cause!