Winter 2007 Election
Unless an Official Endorsement Form is filed, all "Endorsements" are in fact "Endorsement-Like Statements". Therefore, the California Aggie has never endorsed anyone.
The California Aggie
Executive: Kareem Salem and Julie Hooper, LEAD
- Michael Lay, LEAD (referred to as "the best choices for ASUCD senators" in editorial)
- Molly Sundstrom, Student Focus (referred to as "the best choices for ASUCD senators" in editorial)
- Ivan Carrillo, LEAD
- Madisyn Coniglio, LEAD
- Fazila Malik, LEAD
- Albert Parnell, Independent
For the ASUCD ballot measures, The Aggie recommends:
Constitutional Amendment 16, Outreach Assembly - NO
Unitrans Undergraduate Fee Referendum - YES
Fall 2006 Election
For the ASUCD Fall 2006 Election on November 15 and 16 these groups and/or individuals have made either official or unofficial endorsements. Endorsements on this page are unofficial, according to ASUCD rules, except where specifically noted as being official.
Voting is online at
The California Aggie
- Molly Fluet, LEAD (referred to as "the best choices for ASUCD senators" in editorial)
- Dan Xie, LEAD (referred to as "the best choices for ASUCD senators" in editorial)
- Charles Bisesto, LEAD
- Albert Parnell, LEAD
- Andrew Peake, LEAD
- Daryl Suyat LEAD
Former ASUCD Senators
Rob Roy held open interviews with his fellow candidates and while not every candidate showed up, based off from these interviews these are his suggestions:
1. Andrew Peake (LEAD) 2. Dan Xie (LEAD) 3. Molly Fluet (LEAD) 4. Alexandra Frick (Student Focus) 5. Eric Friedman (Student Focus) 6. Joseph Bleckman (Independent)
Winter 2006 Election
For the ASUCD Winter 2006 Election on February 22 and 23 these groups and/or individuals made either official or unofficial endorsements. Endorsements on this page are unofficial, according to ASUCD rules, except where specifically noted as being official.
ASUCD Senate and Staff
- Executive: Darnell Holloway and Genna Carnes
- Senate: 1st Ravi Deepak
- Yes on the constitutional amendment.
- Campus Center for the Environment Director MikeSiminitus endorses:
- Executive: Darnell Holloway and Genna Carnes
- Senate: 1st Ravi Deepak and 2nd Jarvis Burston
- Yes on the constitutional amendment.
- Executive: Chris Herold and Parisa Manteghi
- Senate (in no particular order): Kevin Roberts, Michael A. Molnar, Alex Vahdat, and Marvin Zamora
- Yes on the constitutional amendment.
- Executive: Darnell Holloway and Genna Carnes
- Senate: Marvin Zamora, Andrew Bianchi and Naomi Amaha
The California Aggie
Executive: Darnell Holloway and Genna Carnes, LEAD
- According to the Aggie, "Zamora is a model candidate with relevant experience with his position as Internal Affairs Commission chair and he demonstrates a commitment to empowering students."
Alex Vahdat, Independent
Yes on the constitutional amendment
Fall 2005 Election
For the ASUCD Fall 2005 Election on November 16 and 17 these groups and/or individuals have made either official or unofficial endorsements. Endorsements on this page are unofficial, according to ASUCD rules, except where specifically noted as being official.
ASUCD Senate and Staff
- 1) Tiny Sanders - Tiny will bring an energy to ASUCD that has yet to be fully utilized by current or recent-past senators. His extensive involvement outside of ASUCD, with a particular emphasis among freshmen from summer advising, will be an important step in breaking ASUCD barriers to the rest of the student body.
- 2) Avni Patel - Avni brings the most experience of any candidate when it comes to getting tangible things accomplished. She is clearly the most organized and adept for the structure of ASUCD meetings and legislation.
- 3) Jenny Yu - Jenny's emphasis on voter registration gives her experience in an area that would replace the experience lost with Nadeah, Thomas, and Janine's Fall departure.
- Yes on both of the Constitutional Amendments (one's mine and the other's one I worked on).
- ASUCD Senator Rob Roy endorses:
- 1) I officially and retroactively rescind my endorsement of Joseph Harney, mainly because he did not raise his hand when I asked everyone in a room to raise their hands if they love democracy. Also because I have the power to do so and if there is one thing that matters to Joe, it is power.
- You are absolutely correct Rob Roy, I did not raise my hand when you called for everyone "who loves democracy to raise his or her hand". What you called for was Mob Democracy, where the tyranny of the majority overrides every consideration, including the rule of law. Your brand of "democracy" is the same kind that allowed slavery to exist as a perfectly legal institution in this country for over one hundred years. I, like the founding fathers of our nation, firmly believe in the principles of Representative Republicanism and the Rule of law. Where the rights of everyone, not just the popular, are protected. A society in which no one is above the law that binds all to follow them. You have proven yourself to be nothing more than a Creature of the Mob, willing to sacrifice the principles our founding father's shed their blood to wrench from the Tyrannical grasp of King George of England. I proudly accept your repudiation of support, for I do not wish to be associated with someone who would allow injustices to be done in the name of political expediency.-Joe Harney
- Mob democracy eh? Looks to me like all the elected representatives of the student body agreed on something. Albeit it something you did not agree with with, but nonetheless a very diverse group of people, constituting various national political parties as well as three ASUCD slates, and two independents agreed that this was the best solution. Call me a tyrant, you have the first amendment right to do so, but the law is neither fair nor moral - it is simply a written set of rules for a political game. In this case, we had the ability to write and/or rewrite the law and make it more moral and fair because it does not exclude people for having done things that will not affect their job performance. I would prefer you to complain more about my use of John 8:7 to explain the morality of the new law that we wrote in effort to make things more fair in elections. - RobRoy
- 2) Avni Patel - Avni has been active in ASUCD for years, in several different roles, and is well versed on how it operates. She probably has the most amount of ASUCD experience of any other candidate.
- 3) Kareem Salem - Kareem has a lot of great ideas and has experience working within an ASUCD unit, being a Unitrans bus driver. (Plus he is a funny guy and would be entertaining to share the Senate Table with).
- 4) Jenny Yu - Jenny works within ASUCD in two different departments and is certainly not a fish out of water on how the senate operates.
- 5) Katie Webber - Katie was the president of her high school and served as the Student Liaison to her City Council. I know she is a freshman but she has some good qualifications.
- 6) Christine Rogers - I think Christine has really thought about hard hitting original issues and I think she has the passion to implement them. Plus she has been active on campus for years.
- Also, Yes on both of the Constitutional Amendments.
Davis College Republicans
The California Aggie
Avni Patel (L.E.A.D.)
Joe Harney (United Student Alliance)
Kareem Salem (L.E.A.D.) -
Jenny Yu (L.E.A.D.)
Natalia Farhad Motamed (Student Focus) -
Brian McFadden (United Student Alliance)
Some of the endorsements above have been formally rescinded: article