Brilliant Red Lights, also known as "BRL," started approximately 3.345345 years ago. They also share members with Compassion in Action.
For more info, email them at
Web site:
- Aaron Davidson — guitar, vocals
- Evan Michalski — bass, backup vocals
- Jon Roberts — drums
Touch Like You Want It (unreleased) — 12 tracks, recorded with Alex Newport in August 2004
Let's Get False
Declaration of Purpose
Potential Midnights
New Flags
Pageants of Red and Gold
Tough Colors
Post-Synthetic Love Army
Numb Songs
Accidents Are The New Prosthetics
We Need A Better Language
Solid Towns
Fashion Collapse
4-song EP (2004) — 4 tracks, recorded various places
Numb Songs
Post-Synthetic Love Army
Accidents Are The New Prosthetics
"Suspension" — 1 track, recorded at someone's studio in Sacramento
6-song demo — self-recorded
- Included "Sound of a Hand on a Latch," "Grail," "Declaration of Purpose" and "View From The Inside"