Who knew? Celebrities sometimes appear in our humble town! see also Celebrity Performances
Celebrities Regularly Spotted Around Town
- Michael Franti can be seen occasionally in town on what may be visits to family. In 2010, he was inducted in the Davis High School Blue Devil Hall of Fame. (Hall of Fame dinner is Sept. 25, 2010 at Freeborn Hall)
- Tom Waits can sometimes be spotted Downtown, frequenting places like Tower Records or Cafe Bernardo.
- Maria Falzone, beloved sex comedian, has appeared multiple times at Freeborn Hall.
Past Celebrity Sightings
- William Shatner was seen on the UC Davis campus during the Transit of Venus, and then again that evening at the Mustard Seed.
- "Mythbusters" cohost "Jamie Hyneman" and part of the M5 crew were spotted at the Yolo County Airport on November 28th. According to the crew, it should air in about 6 weeks. TV ads suggest that this episode may air December 12.
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had lunch and hit on the waitress at Little Prague on March 28, 2006.
- Actor/Director Sean Penn, former husband of Madonna and star of "21 Grams" and "Dead Man Walking," was seen eating at Caffé Italia on Jan. 7, 2006. He was in the area for a peace rally in Sacramento, along with Cindy Sheehan.
- California's 45th Lieutenant Governor ,Cruz Bustamante, walked the 5K at the Davis Stampede in February. See the article at [www.californiaaggie.com]; search 'Stampede'.
- Director Michael Moore was spotted at Tower Records when visiting Davis to speak at the Mondavi Center in 2004. He also ordered a large Peanut Butter Cup malted milk shake with chocolate syrup and nonfat milk at Ben & Jerry's.
- Stephen Hawking at Sophia's twice, G Street Pub and Mishka's once while in town for The Davis Meeting on Cosmic Inflation and to speak at the Mondavi Center. He also went to Ben & Jerry's multiple times, ordering a scoop of New York Super Fudge Chunk and on one evening he had a conversation with Rob Roy about European conglomerates purchasing American ice cream companies.
- Actor Bill Paxton at the Cantina back in 2001.
- Hip-hop artist Del tha Funkee Homosapien buying some clothes at Gottschalk's and some CDs at The Wherehouse in the UMall circa 1997.
- Author Kurt Vonnegut and then-local artist R. Crumb at the E St. Roma
Unknown date
- Celebrity shoppers at the Davis Food Co-op have included musicians "Roger McGuinn" (formerly of The Byrds) prior to a solo gig at The Palms, and "Tracy Chapman".