There are several great Cub Scout Packs in Davis. Cubs Packs are generally, but not always, organized by geographic sections of Davis. Cub Scouting is lots of fun for the boys, their parents, and their siblings. Often siblings, of both genders, are encouraged to participate in some Pack Activities. Cub Scouting focuses on developing the boys' minds and character.
Highlights of the typical year include the Pinewood Derby Race, the Blue and Gold Dinner, overnight experiences, a week-long twilight Cub Camp the last week of June, opportunities for resident camp, and the boys moving up in rank to the next level of their advancement.
- South and East Davis has Pack 75
- North and Central Davis has Pack 132
- Central and loosely all of Davis is Pack 111
- The Latter-day Saint pack, which also covers all of Davis, is Pack 199
Pack 75 primarily serves Birch Lane and Pioneer Elementary; Pack 111 primarily serves Korematsu and Birch Lane; Pack 132 primarily serves North Davis and Chavez; and Pack 199, the Latter-day Saint pack, covers all of Davis and welcomes friends of other faiths. Anyone is free to join the Pack they wish.
Cub Scouts Packs are generally open to all boys from the First through the Fifth Grades.
Older youth might be interested in the local Boy Scouts.
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