Darwin Moosavi is a former ASUCD Senator and a former Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning Major at UC Davis. He was elected in the Fall 2010 ASUCD Election running on the BOLD Slate. He previously ran for ASUCD Senate in the Winter 2010 ASUCD Election as an Independent, but withdrew his candidacy due to personal reasons prior to the beginning of balloting. He announced his intent to run again for Senate during his farewell address as the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission Chair during the 2009-2010 school year where he also hinted at the creation of the new BOLD slate, of which he was a co-founder of. He was endorsed by the California Aggie for the Fall 2010 ASUCD Election.

Darwin is credited with reducing the usage of plastic bags at the UC Davis Bookstore, creating a student menu at Gunrock Pub by the Silo, and creating a new unit in ASUCD called Aggie Restore during his term. He also advocated for the implementation of a Bike Sharing Program in Davis, which is expected to launch in 2014. He received the Michael John Tucker Leadership Award at the end of his senate term.

Here are articles about some of his accomplishments during his term: http://www.theaggie.org/2011/05/24/aggie-restore-to-sell-reusable-items-at-low-prices/ http://www.theaggie.org/2011/11/30/%E2%80%9Chave-some-swag-bring-your-own-bag%E2%80%9D/ http://www.theaggie.org/2012/11/27/bike-share-program-to-be-implemented-in-davis/ http://www.theaggie.org/2011/11/16/gunrock-pub-event-for-students-tonight/

Fall 2010 Candidate Statement


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2010-01-31 17:18:20   If you want Uc Davis to be better vote for darwin. Otherwise you are a loser and should not go to this school. —Dannys89

2010-11-09 01:07:26   I don't agree with your Bike-Sharing Program... doesn't seem viable. —ClarenceL