Davis Neighbors' Night Out is an annual celebration of community. The event seeks to unite neighborhoods by creating an opportunity for all residents to participate in a block party, barbecue, ice cream social, pot luck or other public event. The goal of Davis Neighbors' Night Out is to reduce the potential for misunderstandings or conflicts by promoting familiarity and open communication among neighbors.
The 13th annual event, which is scheduled for Sunday, October 14th, 2018 is timed to enable neighborhoods to include new or returning UC Davis students in the festivities. Date: October 14th, 2018 Location: Everywhere in Davis Sponsors:
- Associated Students, University of California, Davis (ASUCD)
- City of Davis
- University of California, Davis
Website: https://cityofdavis.org/city-hall/city-manager-s-office/community-events/davis-neighbors-night-out Interactive "Find a Party" Map: http://maps.ci.davis.ca.us/gis/google/nnout/ Contact: Carrie Dyer at 530-757-5602 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131663718481&ref=search&sid=536264065.980587515..1
Student Incentives In an effort to encourage more students to host events and attend there are a number of student incentives.
- Hosting a party puts you in the running for a free Kaplan course ($1,900 value), a CPR course from the Red Cross ($37 value) and a $25 gift certificate to Yolo Berry. All student party hosts will receive a 2009 DNNO t-shirt courtesy of Ink Monkey Graphics and a raffle kit for your student guests.
- Student attendees can also enter to win great prizes, including gift certificates from the Yogurt Shack, Woodstock’s, Steve’s Pizza and In-N-Out. Other prizes include Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) and Health Education and Promotion give-away baskets.
There is still time for students to host an event. If you do something like a potluck its easy to organize and city staff will help you.
2009 Planning Committee: Stacey Winton, City of Davis Michele Reynolds, City of Davis
Gary Sandy, UC Davis Michelle Johnston, UC Davis
Steven D. Lee, ASUCD Chad Roberts, IFC Molly Bechtel, Panhellenic Council
Articles http://www.davisenterprise.com/articles/2007/10/14/news/094new1.txt http://media.www.californiaaggie.com/media/storage/paper981/news/2007/10/12/Features/Hello.Neighbor.A.Citywide.Meet.And.Greet.In.Davis-3029145.shtml http://www.dateline.ucdavis.edu/dl_detail.lasso?id=9781
See Also: City of Davis Neighbor Resources