Erica Oropeza ran successfully for ASUCD Senate with LEAD during the Winter 2008 ASUCD election. She currently works as the Academic Support and Outreach Services Coordinator for Yik'al Kuyum, which is part of the Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC), and the Administrative Assistant at the Cross Cultural Center (CCC). She is also involved in three different peer education programs: Peer Education Program (PEP) with the LGBT Resource Center", Safe Zone Trainer, and the CCC's Peer Education And Cultural Empowerment (PEACE).
Winter 2008 ASUCD Elections |
Senate Candidates |
Independent: Greg Webb |
LEAD: Sergio Blanco, Andrew Bianchi, Poonam Dayalji, Erica Oropeza, Ramneek Saini, Rebecca Schwartz |
GO: H Seigenfeld, Chris Dietrich |
Executive Office Candidates |
LEAD: Ivan Carrillo + Molly Fluet |
Independent: Andrew Peake + Laura Nevins |
Independent: Joseph Bleckman + Andrea Thomas |
Official Statement
Hello Everyone! My name is Erica Oropeza and I am a third year double major in Sociology and Women & Gender Studies. For the past two years I have been working towards social justice and advocating for my fellow students by working at the Cross-Cultural Center (CCC), the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC) and the Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC).
While working within these different communities I have come to realize that students are not truly aware of all their resources on campus. As senator, I will address this issue by working to integrate the independent libraries on campus to the main Shields Library database. Doing so will provide students with easier access to all of their library resources which include the CCC, LGBTRC, WRRC, and the ethnic studies.
Another issue I will address as a Senator is to raise awareness about crisis management processes within the student body. I will accomplish this by working with administration to provide workshops and trainings on emergency plans to students. So, in the event of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, or even the presence of violent persons on campus, students will know where to go, who to contact, and what to do to help others. Informing students about crisis management plans will help prevent any health-threatening situations from escalating, furthering the security of all students. Thank you all and please remember to vote for me, Erica Oropeza for ASUCD Senate!
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