The California Vehicle Code recognizes several hand signals. In Davis they are mostly used by bicyclists.
- Left arm straight out — signals a left turn or lane change
- Left arm out, hand pointing up, or right arm straight out — signals a right hand turn
- Left arm down at 45 degrees — signals a stop
Other (unofficial) hand signals include:
- Raised middle finger — You nearly killed me because you were trying to get the yogurt out of the bottom of that cup, please pay more attention to driving
- Thumbs up — Thanks for putting that cup of yogurt down while you were driving and waiting for me to cross the street.
- Peace sign — general acknowledgement of each other's existence, or "thanks for letting me go first".
2011-09-17 15:33:12 Thanks for this page! Not a lot of people know or use these signals and I'm sure that Officer Neves has had to explain this routine countless times.
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