Infill is an urban planning term for increasing the population density in a space by converting pre-existing spaces into a more densely used structure. To literally "Fill-in". Adding a cottage in a back yard, tearing down a house and using the lot to build four apartments, and taking a parking lot and building a Dorm are all infill. Infill is done on a relatively small scale since it is in an already developed area and typically relegated to a single lot. Infill is somewhat common in Davis and will most likely increase with the demand due to the growing student population and high housing costs in town.
Examples of Infill:
- Segundo North was a parking lot.
- Tercero South was a parking lot.
- The Lofts was an old KFC and small parking lot.
- John Natsoulas Art Gallery tower on the back of the building was once the parking lot for the front part of the building when it was a frat house, and it was probably a back yard when it was a residence.
- Fifth Avenue Place built additional 2-story units in what was pre-existing open space.