Jerold Theis is the chair of the Academic Freedom and Responsibility Committee in the Academic Senate at UC Davis. He is a medical microbiology professor and his research interests include forensic Pathology and food borne parasites.
In January of 2006, Jerold Theis created a petition for a vote of "No Confidence" in UC Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef. By January 26th, the petition received the required number of signatures, but on March 13, 2006 the "No Confidence" resolution failed the Academic Senate with 734 (69.6%) votes against, 320 (30.4%) votes for.
In late March, 2006, Theis began investigating claims made by former UC Davis Medical Center surgeon Casey Daggett against the Medical Center. Casey alleged that university pressured him into resigning by threatening to ruin his medicial career after he raised complaints against the Medical Center's practices. Casey's complaints included cases of "patient maltreatment, inappropriately sexual relations and personal harassment in the workplace." (source: California Aggie)