100 Browns Valley Parkway, Vacaville -Take the Monte Vista Exit
Daily 6:00AM - 1:00AM
Web site

Nation's Giant Hamburgers sells hamburgers and pies. They have an online menu that also has breakfast.


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I didn't really think this was a big deal, Vacaville residents don't even go to Nation's all that often. But I've known of some stranger Davis residents to travel all the way out here to go to Nation's. So there you goMichelleAccurso

2005-12-18 21:00:16   There used to be a Nation's in the University Mall. —JasonAller

2006-03-12 10:04:10   I <3 Nation's and the pies! I'm one of the people who will travel to Vacaville to get some =D —JoAnnaRich