The On-Ramp of Doom used to be the Interstate 80 interchange at Richards Boulevard, particularly the ramp from northbound Richards to the westbound 80. Directly adjacent to the Worst Intersection in Davis, it offered a chance to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.
The main feature of this on-ramp is a long 240o turn, with a particularly tight turn at the end. After this final turn which can only be taken safely at less than 25 mph, you were immediately dumped onto the freeway. Even better, the short area for merging into traffic was shared by another exit ramp. In short, there are people merging in at low velocity, people merging out at high velocity, and many opportunities for your doom. Freeway traffic is often slowed for a mile before the interchange.
- I don't understand why they don't extend the onramp lane on Northbound Richards-Westbound 80 an extra quarter mile to merge with the other onramp lane. There is plenty of paved surface on the shoulder to extend the lane, rather than dumping you out into the freeway immediately. - BryceFitzsimons
- Perhaps they could extend the East onramp into the West onramp so the "new lane" begins after the spaghetti bowl. That way there's no merging so you can get up to speed safely. From the looks of it, they would have to move the giant sign though. I'm sure they thought of it, but hey, budget before safety, right?
You can always flip a U and go on the other westbound ramp, from the southbound Richards side. You get your own lane that way.
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