Strip games are games which are designed to cause players to be in various states of undress. Some are more popular than others. Players are often given a choice of taking a shot or getting naked. The end result is usually the same. See also Naked games and Drinking games.
- Strip Truth or Dare
- Strip Jenga
- Strip 'I Never'
- Strip Monopoly - (give players only $200 dollars to start with, but each article of clothing is worth a certain amount. Underwear is worth more than a sweater, and must be taken off in order.)
- Strip Twister - This may be how you were conceived!
- Strip Poker - Ahh. The timeless classic.
- Strip Blackjack - For people who don't know all the rules to poker.
- Strip DDR/Pump It Up - A game that will never exist outside of TravisGrathwell's most ridiculous fantasies.
- Strip Rock Paper Scissors
- Strip Sex - Nudity without the BS.
- Strep Trek