The Redwood Grove is one of the largest collections of Sequoia sempervirens, the coastal redwood, outside its native range. In addition to the redwoods, now more than 50 years old, impressive specimens of the giant sequoia and the deciduous dawn redwood are also featured here. An unusual collection for inland California, these tall trees create a shady cathedral-like atmosphere just a few minutes walk from the central Campus Quad. Willows, red osier dogwoods, rushes and other shade loving plants native to the redwood forests of California line the creek banks and form an open understory in this section.
During the summer and fall of 2003, the Redwood Grove was renovated, thanks in part to generous donations from members of the class of 2000. The renovation included: new picnic tables and benches; new lighting; improved irrigation; new paths and improvement of existing paths; installation of educational signs; a new gathering circle with a small fountain.
There are educational signs for:
The genus name for redwoods (Sequoia) is an homage to Sequoyah, the Cherokee linguist who invented the syllabary for the Cherokee language.
Benches, Memorials