Parks & Community Services
Staff Liasion
Robert Cain, Urban Forest Manager
Phone Number
(530) 757-5656
Meeting Times
Third Thursday of each month at 6:00pm
Meeting Place
Davis Police Department Community Room, 2600 Fifth Street
Number of Members
7 Regular members
1 Alternative member

The Tree Commission is a City Commission that establishes rules and regulations relating to the planting, care and maintenance of trees and other plants which overhang public streets and makes recommendations to the City Council on all street tree removal requests.

The Tree Commission provides guidance to the Urban Forest Manager and to the City Council regarding tree removal and replacement requests.

The Tree Commission is charged to recommend the removal of a City tree on a case-by-case basis for the following reasons: Poor health, disease, exceedingly slow growth, large scale limb failure, and decay.

The Commission also considers hazardous conditions that are caused by the street tree and cannot be mitigated without the removal of the tree.

The Tree Commission does not have the authority to recommend the removal of a City Tree for its tree litter (leaves, needles, pine cones, etc.).

All Tree Commission decisions can be appealed to the City Council for their consideration.