Wiki Community/Organizational accounts to be addressed by administrative action:
Moderator willows RealComputers
DURAMED TAPSadministration ManagerSilverstone GreystoneApartments Cambridge complaintdepartment TheLexingtonManagement Manager Assistantmanager WokOfFlame WillowsManagement TheWardrobe RenewDenim NorCalValuation andersoncourtmanagement U-MALL-HAIR-NAILS primaryconcepts AlvaradoSunsetApartment HistoricCityHallComedyClub StonegateVillage Lundgren&ReynoldsLLP TacosandBeer arlingtonmanagement ATOWNmgmnt EllingtonApartments PrestigeEquestrian IntegrityBodyworks RayJohnstonPhotography davistext drakemanagement AdobeManagment UrbanBodyStaff
Above disabled 2011-05-07
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-04-28 |
Eastlake HEPWellness HNR YoloPropertyManagement ApexBikes — not given notice, but Aaron moved on to using a named account CommunityServices UUCDstaff aaaucd HEPSexualHealth — Further edits 2011-05-04
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-04-30 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-05-04 |
WestVillage — said they would edit under their real name, added event using this account.
Above disabled 2011-05-16
Complete to this point — Add below this line |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-05-11 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-05-11 |
hfhyc — someone else can take care of outreach PhotoClub — ditto
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-05-16 |
Above disabled 2011-01-01
SustainableCommunity UniversityCourtEditor
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-06-01 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-06-04 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-08-04 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-08-20 |
Above disabled 2011-10-27
Datemark — Above were re-notified 2011-10-27 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-01-28 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-01-30 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2011-11-02 (noted here 2012-2-06) |
Above disabled 2012-02-08
ChautauquaManagement BehindtheScenes
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-02-20 (noted here 2012-02-21) |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-02-21 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-03-06 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-03-26 |
Datemark — Above were notified 2012-03-28 |
Above disabled 2012-03-39
- MonicaAlderRidge — notified 2012-04-05 (no longer works at Alderridge-confirmed via phone call. Should be disabled to avoid confusion that she represents them as she has tried to make changes on the Alder Ridge page)
- StonegateServerComputerRepair — notified 2012-04-07
- DavinciApt — notified 2012-04-24
- FirstStreetRealEstate — notified 2012-04-25
- Cranagement — notified 2012-05-09
- DavisChamberPAC — notified 2012-05-14
Above disabled 2012-05-14
- zindagibistro — notified 2012-05-15
- johnnysservice —notified 2012-05-15
- WakeForestManagement — 2012-05-16
- 8thstreetapartments —2012-05-23
Above disabled 2012-05-24
- limobluebird - notified 2012-06-25
- taxi - notified 2012-09-06
- Nastranskincare 2012-09-06
Above disabled 2012-10-23
- CommonHouseProductions - notified 2012-10-25
- TeaboCafe - notified 2012-12-20
- autismawareness - notified 2012-12-21
- SterlingPointe - notified 2013-01-09
Above disabled 2013-01-31
- Westwood - notified 2013-02-27
- OakshadeCommonsFPIMGT - notified 2013-03-06
- OutdoorDavis -notified 2013-03-06
- BlkBusiness - notified 2013-03-11
- DavisSeedSavers - notified 2013-03-13
- ACS^Admin - notified 2013-03-18
- AngelEye - notified 2013-03-23
- NutrishopDavis - notified 2013-03-25
- UnitransIT - notified 2013-03-27
Above disabled 2013-04-15
- WestVillageManagment - notified 2014-04-05
- alvaradosunset - notified 2013-04-15
- downloaddish - notified 2013-04-16
- MonicaAtCambridge -notified 2013-04-19 (Monica no longer works there)
- RenaissancePark - notified 2013-04-22
- CambridgeHouseManager - notified 2013-04-25
Above disabled 2013-04-25
- FITHouseDavis - notified 2013-04-25
- TanglewoodApts - notified 2013-05-01
- SharpsandFlats - notified 2013-05-01
- UCDHEP - notified 2011-10-25
- TheSpokesAtUCD - was notified 2011-09-27
Above disabled 2013-06-07
- universityhouse -notified 2013-06-18
- davishurler - notified (on user page and via email) 2013-06-19
- sickspits - notified (on user page and via email) 2013-06-19
- FITHouse - notified (on user page and via email) 2013-07-03
Above disabled 2013-07-19
- ParagaryRestaurantGroup - notified on user page 2013-07-19
- thedavisgraduate - notified on user page 2013-07-20
- RajasTandoor - notified on user page 2013-08-09
- DarslSoccer - notified on user page 2013-06-21
- GetFitDavis - notified on user page 2013-08-4
- deLunaJewelers - notified on user page 2013-08-15
Above disabled 2013-08-20
AllegreApartments — disabled as synonym for AllegreApts on 2013-08-28
- SCUCD - notified on user page 2013-09-10
Above disabled 2013-09-19
- PCManager - notified on user page 2014-01-03
- NOWSlate - notified on user page 2014-01-04
- DSFMartialArtsAcademy - notified on user page 2014-01-25
Above disabled 2014-02-03