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Wild Campus is a student-run, expert-advised, and community-supported program dedicated to the conservation of local wildlife on campus and beyond.

Our Goals

1. Encourage local wildlife on and off campus through: - improvement of habitat for native wildlife, especially those of special concern. - reduction in negative impacts of invasive species.

2. Increase public interest in wildlife conservation through: - educational events for all ages. - facilitation of involvement in wildlife conservation.

3. Provide valuable experience to future conservation professionals by: - providing real world wildlife management experience to students. - training students to effectively communicate science to the public. - putting students in contact with the expertise of faculty on campus.

4. Improve campus visitor experience through: - increased opportunities to observe wildlife. - entertaining educational and community involvement events.

Wild Campus was founded in 2011 by Quinn Morgan, a Wildlife Fisheries Conservation Biology student. Its partners include the Putah Creek Riparian Reserve, UC Davis Arboretum, Putah Creek Council, and many more.

The Wild Naturalists are composed of six teams, each with a different taxonomic focus (Amphibian/Reptiles, Birds, Fish, Insects, Mammals, and Plants). The Wild Naturalists carry out Conservation Projects and monitoring within the UC Davis Putah Creek Riparian Reserve just southwest of central campus.

The Wild Ambassadors are composed of two teams, each with a different focus (Education/Outreach Team and Marketing/Communications Team). These teams are the public face of Wild Campus, and serve the role of ambassador to Davis’ local wildlife. They put on two events each year, our contribution to the Picnic Day wildlife exhibit, Wild Pic-nic Day, and the annual celebration of local wildlife, Wild Family Day, as well as reach out to the public online, in print, and through external media exposure



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