For various reasons, some direct and some indirect, certain activities, items and usages of items have been banned in Davis... and many more bans are being proposed.
Timeline of Bans
- 1982 — Musicians from The Blasters banned from performing in Davis
- 2002 — The Open Container Ordinance results in no drinking alcohol in public and in most parks
- 2011 — The Blasters Ban is lifted after Mayor Krovoza grants the band a full pardon.
- 2014 — Plastic Bags Ban
- 2017 - The Beverage Straw Ordinance banned restaurants from offering disposable straws unless requested by the diner.
Proposed Bans
- Wood Burning Ban, aka the Fireplace Ban
- Leaf-blower Ban
There are also wiki bans, but those don't really affect Davis (nobody in Davis is banned from the Davis Wiki as of May 2011). Some people want to ban roll-on, but I'm not sure why that is.