Locations |
Denton Community Market, Saturdays from 9 AM -1 PM during the market season (May-October).
Various festivals and special events in and around Denton. |
Contact |
dentonjuiceco@gmail.com |
Website |
Denton Juice Co. offers 100% raw, organic, vegan, fresh, and local fruit and vegetable juice made to order at special events in and around Denton.
The Juice Co. was founded in May 2011 by raw food enthusiasts Annie Anderson and Carl Solomon. They have never been a couple or romantically involved in any way, despite rampant heteronormative assumptions. It is now owned and coordinated solely by Annie Anderson. A diverse group of community members also share their time and individual skills to keep the juice flowing.
Denton Juice Co. participated in the entire 2011 season of the Denton Community Market and has returned for the 2012 season; it has also been featured at Cardo's Farm's 1st Annual Vegetable Festival, The 8th Annual Harvest Festival, The Texas State Veggie Fair, The 2012 Arts and Jazz Festival, Etsy Denton Bazaars, and Dog Days of Denton, among other events. Denton Juice Co. is available for parties and special occasions year-round.
Denton Juice Co.'s standard menu includes over 15 different varieties of produce, including wheatgrass, ginger, and jalapenos. Some of their most popular juice blends are "Forest of Wonder," a concoction of apple, lemon, and ginger juice blended together with mint leaves, and "Unicorn's Blood," a bright orange- and pink-colored juice made from carrots and strawberries.
All of the disposable products used by Denton Juice Co. are renewably sourced and compostable. 100% of their waste is recycled, reused, or composted, and they offer complimentary composting for used cups and other biodegradable materials. They source all of their wheatgrass from Cardo's Farm Project, and frequently use produce from local farms.