The Detroit Tribune a newspaper in Detroit, Michigan was started as the Daily Tribune in 1849 and used the name until 1862. In 1862 the Tribune joined with the (Detroit) Daily Advertiser which then subsequently absorbed other papers, becoming the Advertiser and Tribune. It acquired new management, including James E. Scripps future founder of the Detroit News. In 1877 the Advertiser and Tribune merged with the 11 year old Detroit Daily Post and became the Post and Tribune. In 1884 after more ownership changes the name was changed to the Daily Post. In 1885 the name was changed again to the Tribune. In 1891 James E. Scripps bought the remaining stock in the Tribune to secure an Associated Press connection. Scripps continued to run the Tribune as a morning paper until February 1, 1915 when it was merged with the News. The Tribune name was used on a Sunday paper The Sunday News-Tribune until October 15, 1917 when the name was changed to The Sunday News and the Tribune name was dropped completely.

Detroit Tribune (weekly)

The weekly Detroit Tribune, published from 4864 Woodward Avenue in Detroit, published weekly from 1935 to 1966. Occasionally subtitled "Unswerving Dedication to the Truth" or "The Newsjournal of the Metropolitan Community".

February 11, 1966

Switched formats on February 11, 1966 to "devote a major portion of its pages to a crucial community problem" -- the principles of human rights, especially in relation to Detroit's African-American residents. 

Small ads for churches signal the paper's supporters: 11 Feb 1966

  • University Christian Center, 920 Putnam at Fourth. Hot Lunch Wednesdays. 12:30P.M. " cofee [sic] for ever and ever. Amen"
  • The Council of Eastern Orthodox Churches Congratulates the New Tribune. (We invite you to worship with us.) [bold in original]
  • ST ANDREW'S MEMORIAL CHURCH 920 Putnam at Fourth. On Wayne State University Campus Sundays 11 A.M. WELCOME

Senior editors: Hubert G. Locke, James R. Lyons. Published fortnightly by the Detroit Tribune Publishing Company, 4864 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48201



Editorial board in 1968: Editor Hubert G. Locke

Art director Don Ross.

Published fortnightly by the Detroit Publishing Corp.


The Detroit Tribune was the successor to the Tribune Independent of Michigan, itself the product of the 1933 merger of the Detroit Tribune (published only in 1933 from 2146 St. Antoine Street with the subhead "Leading Negro Weekly of Michigan") and the Detroit Independent (established 1907).


Verbatim as published in the February 11, 1966 edition:

With this issue, the Detroit Tribune marks a new era in its history. The Tribune has had an old and checkered newspaper career in Detroit. Founded in 1922, the Tribune went into receivership in the early 50's and was purchased by one of Detroit's little-known but generous philanthropists, Andrew Fruehauf. The Tribune was but one of Mr. Fruehauf's contributions to the cause of America's Negro citizens. It was his wish that the Tribune continue publication and that it maintain a dedication to the principle of human rights.

The new Tribune does not take this challenge lightly. ... [continues, to be transcribed]

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