Eugene is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. Whether it is summer or winter, it is always nice to spend a little time away from the clutter and chaos that is our indoor existence. Summers in Eugene are beautiful, but most residents continue to enjoy outdoor activities year round. You just have to learn how to deal with the rain like a native. For outdoorsy things further from Eugene see adventures.
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bicycling
- Birds and Bird Watching
- Boating
- Camping
- Climbing
- Exercise
- Fitness Trails
- Football
- Gardening
- Geocaching
- Golf
- Hiking and Backpacking
- Horseback Riding
- Juggling
- Kite Flying
- Motorcycling
- Pick Fruit @ local farm stands - Try picking fruit in the summertime.
- Protesting
- Rowing
- Running
- Sex
- Skateboarding
- Snow Sports
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Track & Field
- Tennis
- Walk the Dog
- Viewing Outdoor Art including Campus Art, Town Art, and Urban Art
- Volleyball
- Mountain Biking
- Sierra Club Offers a variety of outdoor oriented group activities