431 Paris Avenue SE is located in Heritage Hill. It was built in
Watkins House - 1992 Tour
This Shingle Style home was built in 1906. The Shingle style of architecture was very popular on the East coast. Its decorative detail is sparse and windows aresimple. The house was converted to a 5-unit in the late 40's. The need for housing after World War 2 precipitated many of our Heritage Hill homes to become multi-families. As you enter the house, please note the foyer. The tile is original and was covered over in black vinyl. The newel, railings and spindles are not original but an attempt to restore a portion of the staircase which was once open to the second floor. The walls in the entry are "sponge painted"
Geographic coordinates are 42.955129°N, 85.655458°WLatitude: 42°57′18.464″N
Longitude: 85°39′19.649″W.