45 College Avenue NE is located in Heritage Hill. It was built in
1890. It's architectural significance is
Past owners include
Grinnell, Charles.
Grinnel House - 1970 Tour, 2003 Tour, Walking Tour
This 1889 Shingle Style home was built by Charles Grinnel, the president of Grinnel-Rowe Insurance Company. He and his wife Abigail raised 3 daughters here. One of the mostinteresting architectural details is the second story copper-topped Juliet balcony. In 1995 when the current owner purchased the property there was a huge, overgrown Cedar tree covered the entire porch and stood taller than the house. Two days after moving in she had the tree removed.
Geographic coordinates are 42.963981°N, 85.656886°WLatitude: 42°57′50.332″N
Longitude: 85°39′24.79″W.