559 College Avenue SE is located in Heritage Hill. It was built in
Past owners include
Kelly, CorneliusE., Nott, Bennett C. and Edith, Ghysels, Eva M., Dolph, Jack M. and Anne H., Driscoll, Alf E. and Isabelle, Rollenhagen, Clarie W., Schafer, Minnie, Dickinson, Julia.
1999 Tour
The features that represented grandness when this home was first built are still its glory today. This 1906 Georgian Revival is a wood-lover's dream. From the front porch, through the entryway and on into the foyer, the wood and its design are impeccable. Columns and wainscoting take the visitor's eye through a world of care and craftsmanship of a bygoneera. Leaded glass windows throughout the main floor lend a quiet dignity to each room as they diffuse the light over furnishings and floor.
Geographic coordinates are 42.952507°N, 85.656689°WLatitude: 42°57′9.025″N
Longitude: 85°39′24.08″W.