602 Windsor Terrace SE is located in Heritage Hill. It was built in
1905. It's architectural significance is
Past owners include
George L.Stone.
George L. Stone was known as the oldest practicing architect in western Michigan at the time of death at age 84 in 1942. Entering the architectural field as an apprentice, Mr. Stone had designed many public and private buildings throughout the area in approximately 60 years devoted to his profession. Some structures designed by him include the Association of Commerce Building, the old Widdicomb building, the Grand Rapids Showcase plant, East Grand Rapids City Hall, and the naval armory. While associatedwith Signey Eugene Osgood, Mr. Stone participated in the designing of a number of governmental buildings in western Michigan including the old Kent County building. Mr. Stone was born in 1858. Sources: Grand Rapids Herald 9-25-42; Grand Rapids Press 9-24-42.
Geographic coordinates are 42.961506°N, 85.65431°WLatitude: 42°57′41.422″N
Longitude: 85°39′15.516″W.