- Albino Raccoons
- Anisq'Oyo' Park
- Birds and Human Influence in Isla Vista
- Campus Point Pump House
- Chumash Medicinal Practice and Applications
- Cliff Erosion
- Cliff Perceptions
- Coal Oil Point, Western Snowy Plovers, and The Snowy Plover Docent Program
- Devereux Oil Tanks
- Exploring Tide Pools
- Goleta (Ellwood Main) Butterfly Grove
- Houseless in IV
- Hypersexualization of Females Through Art in Isla Vista
- Isla Vista Food Cooperative
- Mescalitan Island
- North Campus Open Space (NCOS)
- Oil Spills of the Santa Barbara County Coast
- Paved Area of Campus Point
- Platform Holly
- Platform Holly: Ecological Implications
- Santa Barbara Airport
- Surfer and Shark Interactions
- Surf Guide
- Tanning
- The Houseless Isla Vista Population - History and Daily Life
- UCSB Beaches
- UCSB/IV Bees and Beekeeping
- UCSB Secret Bathroom
- Water Management in the Community
- Western Snowy Plover Habitat at the Coal Oil Point Reserve
- Whaling
- Window to the Sea Park