Mission of this award-winning, all-volunteer program is “connecting kids and community through literacy”. Sponsored by Easton Police Athletic League and Easton Area Community Center in collaboration with Weed & Seed initiative and other community supporters, the program distributes thousands of free new and lightly used books to all children who visit the Reading Room or attend sponsored community events. Books and literacy-based activities are provided in a welcoming, positive social environment that encourages development of reading skills, self-confidence, and community involvement. Reading Room hours: Thursdays 11 am—7 pm; first and third Saturdays 10 am—noon. Volunteers and book donations are welcomed. Facebook: Cops n Kids


        Easton Area Community Center 

        901 Washington Street 

        Easton, PA 18042 


        Judith Dickerson 

        Phone: 610-250-6562 

        Email:  copsnkidseaston@gmail.com

