The Dunn County Jail Garden is located at the Dunn County Jail, east of Menomonie. This program involves volunteer supervisors in the community and inmates who have permission for work release. The garden grows produce for the Stepping Stones Food Pantry, which is then distributed to community members in need. 

The Jail Garden is kept up by huber (work release) inmates who want to volunteer in the garden. The huber inmates are monitored by volunteers from the community. 

The Dunn County Jail Garden works to be environmentally friendly. They create compost piles of plant waste material, and leave cover crops over the winter. They also rotate their crops and leave at least one field empty each year to maintain the soil.

Working with the compost pile.

The Garden Program, like other jail programs, hopes to create an outlet for inmates and help rehabilitate them.

The garden early in the season.

The Jail Garden donates thousands of pounds of fresh produce to the food pantry each year.

Garden produce from summer of 2017.

For information on how to volunteer, contact Heather Pyka. Email: or Phone: (715) 231-2942
