Activities Among Negroes
The presidents' council of the California Federation of Colored Women's Clubs held memorial services Sunday afternoon in North Oakland Baptist church in honor of the late Mary B. Talbert of Buffalo. N. Y., former president of the National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Mrs. Esther Lee delivered a carefully prepared eulogy on the life of Mrs. Talbert, which was followed by a solo. "In a City Four Square, No Death. No Pain," which was rendered by Mrs. L. A. Brown. Owing to illness the pastor. Rev. Coleman, sent Attorney J. Vance Lewis to address the meeting. He delivered an address on "Mary B. Talbert, a Queen of a Black Race." The services were closed with prayer by Rev. T. W. James of Dayton, Ohio.
Similar services were held all over the United States. An editorial appearing in the Buffalo, N. Y.. Daily Enquirer on the death of Mrs. Talbert, among other things said: "Who would deny to the colored race the ability to rise to any height of refinement attained by any other race must stand confounded by this example. Mrs. Talbert was an able, noble woman who displayed qualities of leadership and capacities for high service which would have made any woman of the white race honored. Her life and labors refute any theory of natural inferiority of the race to which she belonged." Mrs. Talbert held the degree of B. A. from Oberlin College and Ph. D. from the University of Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. W. L. Johnson will deliver an address at the vesper services Sunday afternoon at the Linden street branch Y. W. C. A. The girls' reserve and religious committee will hold Christmas services on the evening of December 23, when they will render a musical program. On December 28 the "Y" will have an "at home" reception for members and friends.
The president of the National Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, Miss Hally Quinn Brown, of Wilberforce, Ohio, will arrive about December 15, to be house guest of Mrs. Theo. Purnell of Berkeley. While on the coast she will visit the colored women's clubs. She has an international reputation as a dramatic reader and no doubt will give a public reading while in this city.
Rev. T. W. James and wife, from Dayton, Ohio, are visiting friends in Oakland. It has been 48 years since he visited Oakland to claim a bride. He addressed the Ministerial Alliance at their weekly meeting and Mrs. James addressed the Fanny Coppin club Tuesday afternoon at their meeting at the Y. W. C. A.
In recent article quoted in this column a statement was made which said: "There are no lines of business endeavor in the United States in which there are no negroes." The same could be said in regard to the negro and religious beliefs, as the following will show:
Recently in Washington, D. C., St. Agustin Catholic church, high mass was celebrated by three negro priests. Such an occurrence had never before taken place in the history of the Catholic church in America. These priests were Father Joseph John, celebrant at the mass, who was ordained last year, assisted by Father D. R. Uneles of the Epiphany Apostolic College, Walbrok, Baltimore, and Father J. H. Dorsey. Pastor of Saint Monica church of Baltimore. The sermon was preached by Father Uneles who urged the necessity of recruiting to the priesthood from the ranks of the young men of the race. The guard of honor at the solemn high mass was composed of St. John Commandery, Knights of St. John of St. Agustin and Holy Name Society.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, Miss Theresa Lee, formerly of Hampton. Va.. is employed by the bureau of Catholic charities to look after the welfare of colored Catholics. She is a graduate of Saint Frances de Sales school of Rock Castle, Va. This school is conducted by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for colored girls. In Cincinnati recently there was opened a home for self-supporting colored women and girls of the Catholic faith, the first one in America.