Activities Among Negroes
Order of Eastern Star, Prince Hall affiliation, have just closed the seventy-sixth annual communication of the grand lodges of California in Fresno with sixty lodges represented by delegates. About a thousand Negro Masons and their families were in attendance. A public reception was held on Monday evening in the Fresno city auditorium honoring the grand lodge, grand chapter of the Order or Eastern Star, and the Grand Court of the Heroines of Jerico {Jericho}. At this time the organizations were welcomed by Mayor Z. S. Leymel of Fresno. Other speakers were Past Grand Master Wallace A. Clark, Los Angeles; Rev. Fred Hughes, San Francisco; Grand Joshua F. W. Swinney, Berkeley, and many others.
Fraternal greetings were extended by Grand Matron Alice Houston, Bakersfield, and her staff of officers. In her remarks she described the new official organ of the Golden State Grand Chapter, the "Guiding Star," and the proposal to make it the official organ of the Prince Hall Masonic affiliation in California. The magazine is edited by Mrs. Charlotta A. Bass, Los Angeles, who also publishes the California Eagle, the largest Negro weekly on the California coast.
The two conventions were opened with Worshipful Grand Master Rev. J. H. Wilson, Los Angeles, and Grand Matron Mrs. Alice J. Houston, Bakersfield, presiding. William A. Bigby Jr. of Fresno was appointed director of publicity. The meetings were all held in the Woodman Hall. One of the reports on education said $6000 had been expended in relief work and assisting several Negro students. Memorial rites were held on Tuesday evening. Among other speakers were Mrs. Irene Hinds, Mrs. C. L. Fredericks, Oakland, and Attorney Willis O. Tyler, Los Angeles.
Theodore Moss of San Jose was elected Grand Master of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Masons of California, at the 76th annual communication. He is an outstanding Negro citizen of San Jose and has served during the past year as deputy grand master.
Grand Chancellor J. Allen Reece of Venice will arrive ln Oakland today to open the nineteenth annual session of the Grand Lodge of California Knights of Pythias. Memorial services will be held tonight at 7:45 in Beth Eden Baptist church. The session will open at Carpenter's Hall Monday at 10 a. m. Among the distinguished visitors who will be in attendance will be Past Supreme Chancellor Williams of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is one of the eleven men who fifty years ago met in Vicksburg, Mississippi, and organized the first lodge of Knights of Pythians for Negroes in the United States. His wife is Past Supreme Worthy Counsellor and organizer of the Calanthians.
The national president of War Mothers, Mrs. Virgil McClure, Louisville, Kentucky, during the past week has been the guest of the California State War Mothers. She was the guest of the bay cities chapter of War Mothers at a luncheon in the Sir Frances Drake hotel, San Francisco, on Monday, July 2I. State President California War Mothers Mrs. Allia Manning, Los Angeles, presided, with Past President Mrs. Cora Cox and Past President Mrs. Mary Murry, who some years ago organized the Maria L. Baldwin chapter of War Mothers in Oakland, assisting. Seated at the official table among others was Mrs. Hettle B. Tilghman, Berkeley, who is the California state historian of War Mothers, and secretary to the Maria L. Baldwin chapter. Others of this chapter in attendance were the president, Mrs. Carrie Bluett; vice-president, Mrs. Ella Kennedy; past president, Mrs. Julia Mitchell and treasurer, Mrs. Mary Starr. There were 76 War Mothers in attendance. All were introduced to the national president at the opening of the luncheon,.
Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jul 27, 1930 27 Jul 1930, Sun Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)