Activities Among Negroes
In the sweeping victory at the poles Nov. 4 by the Republican party, one element must not be services overlooked, namely the rendered by the colored women voters, under the leadership Miss Hallie Q. Brown, director Colored Women's Activities, Republican national committee. She used as her slogan in calling them to action, "Save the Constitution and vote for "Coolidge and Dawes."
Aside from the Colored Women Voters' League members and officers, there were other women who rendered great service to the G. O. P., namely Dr. Mary Waring and Attorney Violett Anderson of Chicago, and Mesdames Charlotte Spear-Bass of Los Angeles, Stafford Tobe Williams and DeHart of Oakland and San Francisco.
Assemblyman Fred M. Roberts of Los Angeles has been re-elected. At the Dunbar hospital of Los Angeles, with a daughter by his wife. She will be remembered as Miss Pearl Hinds, a social and musical favorite of Oakland before her marriage a few seasons ago.
Bishop Sampson Brooks of Liberia, West Africa, delivered a number of most interesting lectures last weekend in the bay cities. He told of the great work the African Methodist Episcopal church is doing in Liberia and Sierra Leone, West Africa. He has built a general school at Monrovia at a cost of $60,000.
The object of his tour in the United States has been to raise $50,000 with which to build a girls' school. The board of education of Baltimore gave him $10,000 worth of books for his school. He is returning with machinery to manufacture shoes, and other articles necessary for the natives.
He is also being accompanied by six missionaries and Mrs. Helen Curtis, the widow of the late Hon. James Curtis, minister resident general of Liberia. Mrs. Curtis has been in Oakland since July, having come to the coast to attend the "Women over Seas" convention, held in San Francisco.
Bishop Brooks asked her if she would not return and under the auspices of the school establish a dairy farm and poultry ranch in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. She accepted the opportunity to render this service.
The Negro Baptist Association of Northern California has just closed its fifth annual session with a large delegation in attendance, some coming from as far south as Tulare and Visalia, and from as far north as McCloud, Weed and Oroville. This association was organized by Rev. G. C. Coleman of North Oakland Baptist church, five years ago. It now has five churches in its membership. Its first annual financial report was $54; at the fifth annual session the report was $700. It has in its employ one field missionary, the Rev. W. T. Watkins of Berkeley.
This association stands out distinctively in that it has been able to prove that it can conduct its church affairs and control its church property. The next big event among the colored Baptists will be the California state convention, affiliated with National Baptist convention, G. C. Colman, of Oakland, is president of the state and vice president of the National Baptist convention. This convention will hold their deliberations in North Richmond Baptist church which has been established from members of North Oakland Baptist church living in the suburban district. They will hold their opening session Wednesday morning, Nov. 12. A large delegation from Los Angeles will be present, among whom will be the Revs. Knox, Lively, Strauther, Smith, Frazier, Brown, Pius, Robinson and Anderson. Many subjects of interest will be discussed. Mrs. W. A. Robinson of Los Angeles, president of woman's auxiliary of the state convention, is expected to be present with a large delegation from all sections of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. James of Auckland, New Zealand, have been visiting friends on the coast. While in Oakland they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Thirty-fifth street. They were entertained with a breakfast party by Mrs. Hickson, and with a dinner party by Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Coleman. They were given an auto trip to San Quentin where they visited the prison.
The northern California branch N. A. A. C. P. held a business meeting last Monday evening in the Christian church of Oakland, Many interesting short addresses made by members on the approaching election. A forty minute debate on the water question and the municipal utility district bonds was held between two members who handled the subject in an instructive manner. The branch is making extensive preparations for the coming of Congressman Dyer, who I will speak in the Municipal Auditorium Nov. 19.
The Linden street branch Y. W. C. A. will spend Armistice Day by holding their "setting up" conference at which time they will give a program of addresses of interest in furthering, the work of the branch. They will begin their deliberations at 1:30 p. m. and will serve dinner at 5.30 o'clock. The last session will begin at 6:30 p. m. and last until 9 o'clock. The closing address will be made by Miss Brookman of the Central Y. W. C. A.
The Get Acquainted club of Oakland held a very interesting meeting Tuesday evening a week ago. They met with Mr. and Mrs. Bolmer. Among the visitors introduced was Mrs. Rev. Palmer of Pasadena who made some very helpful remarks.
That "public sentiment is changing toward the race," announced by one person present who based her remarks on a recent visit to Washington, D. C., where she said, "the city golf links are given over to the colored populace twice a week for their exclusive use." But, she added, "many white persons of distinction often visited the links at this time as spectators."