Activities Among Negroes
The gold medal awarded by Lehn & Fink, wholesale druggists, annually to the pharmacy student who submits the best thesis has been won by Mozela E. Lewis, negro girl graduate from Howard University. Her thesis, "A History of the Negro in Pharmacy," was published in The American Druggist a monthly magazine for pharmacists.
"She brought out:
"We have had approximately 100 negro pharmacists graduate from white colleges, and approximately 1500 from negro colleges. Of this number about 20 percent have taken up medicine and are at present successful physicians and surgeons. About 10 percent have taken up dentistry and 20 percent such as teaching, law and theology, have pursued other lines of study. The other 50 percent have found wonderful fields in pharmacy."
Miss Lottie Gee sailed from New York last week for Southampton. England, for a special engagement in the theaters there. Just before she sailed she sang over the radio in New York.
Many of the leading colored singers and actors will tour Europe this winter. Last week Miss Emma Maitland and Emlia Weehan sailed to star in "Tea for Two Girls" in Milan, Italy.
Mrs. A. C. Richardson of Los Angeles gave a whist tournament last Friday evening in that city for the benefit of N. A. A. C. P. and cleared $100.
The Presidents' Council of Southern California of Colored Women's Clubs gave a banquet in the Humming Bird Cafe, Los Angeles. Friday evening, honoring Mrs. Corrine B. Hicks of Pasadena. who was re-elected as state president of the California Federation of Colored Women's Clubs.
The Alameda County League of Colored Women Voters met Wednesday afternoon in the parlors of the Linden street branch, Y. W. C. A. The program for the fall work was read and discussed. After reports were submitted, a summary of the activities of the National League of Women Voters' convention was given by the delegate, Miss Delilah L. Beasley. The club voted to present her in a public lecture.
The North Oakland Improvement Club Tuesday evening received greetings from the other negro organizations around the bay. The object of this club is to teach civic pride to all residents of North Oakland. "The plan is to seed hearty lips to action. The members are back painting your house " organize a community organization {sic}. The meetings are open to the public.
Dee Snelling Basso, singer, formerly of the First A. M. E. church Choir, who for the last the years has been in New York studying Concert work, appeared in a recital Thursday evening for the benefit of the fund to buy a tea furnace for the Home for Aged Colored People at Buelah.
The Get Acquainted Club met Thursday evening at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Milan {sic} in Alameda.
Two church conferences are being held this week in Oakland. The state A. M. E. Zion church is in session in Campbell street A. M. E Zion church, with Bishop Martin presiding.
The Northern California Baptist church is holding its annual conference at North Oakland Baptist church, with Rev. G. C. Coleman presiding as moderator.
Thursday was women's day at the sixth annual session of Negro Missionary Baptist Association convention in North Oakland Baptist church. Rev. Pryor of the First A. M. E. Church made the principle address of the afternoon on the relation of the church to the young people. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Susie Potts of Stockton, former state head of temperance work for colored people, was in charge of the program for foreign missions, and delivered an address on the church's duty in the mission field. Fred Andrews of Salt Lake City sung several solos. He is a member of The Harmony Four, touring California.
The fifty-eighth annual California conference of the A. M. E. Zion church reported all the churches in good condition under the new reign of Bishop Martin. During this year two new churches, one at Palo Alto and the other at Hanford, have been erected. Bishop Martin was appointed bishop after 14 years as president of Atkinson College at Madisonville, Ky., and for eight years as general secretary of education of the A. M. E. Zion church. The next annual conference will be held in Fresno, October 13, 1926.