After the courthouse in San Leandro was destroyed in the Great earthquake of 1868, the Alameda County Courthouse was moved to East 14th St. at 20th Avenue beginning in 1873.
According the 1874 directory:
New County Buildings. — The County Court House is located on the north-west corner of East Fourteenth Street and Twentieth Avenue. This building is constructed of wood ; two stories in height ; fifty-two feet front, by eighty feet deep ; cost, $8,000. The Hall of Records, located near the Court House, on Twentieth Avenue, is a one-story brick, fire-proof building, fifty feet front and sixty feet deep ; cost, $7,000. 1
A new, more substantial courthouse was constructed on Broadway, and opened in 1875.
In 2013-2014, the building was reconfigured into 3 stories. It is currently an apartment building.
Links and References
- Langley 1874 Oakland Directory
- 00000849 San Leandro Society
- Google Maps Street View 2014