If you like dogs and you like sports and you like beer, Barclay's was a great place to go. The only catch is that you can't watch the A's game and your dog at the same time—dogs on the outside and A's on the inside.
photo CC BY-NC 2.0 by Thomas Hawk
Barclay's has 30 beers on tap, which is cool.
They serve pub food which is only mediocre unless you have a family and then could be nice- bland and American all around. (It's called "not your average pub fare" but it's pretty average.) There are also darts. Don't let your kids touch them. They're sharp.
They show all the A's games and a lot of other sports games, too.
There are often a lot of dogs in the tight patio-space, so if your dog gets cranky around other dogs or you don't want to wait try one of the other dog-friendly spots.
5940 College Ave