Breaking the Impasse: Balancing the Interests of Public Health & Housing in Affordable Infill Development Projects

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (PST)Oakland, CA

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Urban Habitat

  • 1212 Broadway , Suite 500 
    Oakland, CA 94612


Rajiv Bhatia, Physician and Preventative Medicine Practitioner

Don Falk, Executive Director, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation TNDC

Catalina Garzon, Program Director, Pacific Institute  


Tracy Zhu, Associate, Ditching Dirty Diesel & Current BCLI Fellow


Lili Farhang & Jonathan Heller, Human Impact Partners


The interests of public health and affordable housing are often aligned since affordable housing is an important determinant of health. In the case of infill development projects, however, there are health tradeoffs: most available sites for affordable housing are close to heavily trafficked roadways and mitigations for environmental health issues raise the cost of housing. This panel will discuss the real trade-offs inherent in decisions around affordable infill housing and try to come to an understanding of what all sides can ask for to meet housing needs and protect health and well-being.