This Churches of Oakland page can be set up as and serve as a one-stop portal to all the churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in Oakland, listed in subcategories, just as the Restaurant Portal has subcategories.
Some of the subcategories would be Bahá'í Faith, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian Science, Episcopal, Evangelical, Greek Orthodox, Hindu, Islam, Judaism, Lutheran, Masjid, Methodist, Mormon (LDS), Muslim, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Protestant, Temple, Unitarian.
Pages tagged “Bahai”
Pages tagged “Baptist”
Pages tagged “Buddhist”
Pages tagged “Catholic church”
Pages tagged “Christian Science”
Pages tagged “Episcopal”
Pages tagged “Evangelical”
Pages tagged “Greek Orthodox”
Pages tagged “Hindu”
Pages tagged “Islam”
Pages tagged “Judaism”
Pages tagged “Lutheran”
Pages tagged “Masjid”
Pages tagged “Methodist”
Pages tagged “Mormon (LDS)”
Pages tagged “Muslim”
Pages tagged “Pentecostal”
Pages tagged “Presbyterian”
Pages tagged “Protestant”
Pages tagged “Temple”