Oakland Wiki is a site where anyone (including you!) can learn and share what you know about Oakland. Anything about Oakland is fair game - seriously!
Start exploring:
- Click the Recent Changes tab at the top of the site. See what people are working on right now across the wiki.
- Check out the list of featured entries, entries that have been highlighted by other volunteers for being interesting and well-documented.
- Every entry has tags that say what category it's in (for example, here are entries about downtown, black history, fun). Click a tag at the bottom of an entry to see all the pages that have that tag. Check out this sweettag cloud that lists every tag across the wiki (hello water, award winner, and question!).
- Visit your neighborhood! You may think you know, but you may not live in the neighborhood you think you do! Explore our map of all the Oakland neighborhoods. When you find your neighborhood, you can add interesting facts, things to do, or neighborhood history to that entry.
- Explore through search. Use the search bar at the top of every page to see if we have information about those things you care about in Oakland. If what you search for has an entry, check it out and see if there is something you may know that others don't! If we don't have an entry for it, you can make a brand new one now!